
How To Use Totally Numb Creams

Totally Numb numbing cream is a highly effective and user-friendly product designed to take all of the pain and discomfort out of your next tattoo, microblading session, or other skin procedure. However, although our numbing cream is extremely powerful, it needs to be applied correctly in order to enjoy maximum beneRt. So, read on to discover our instructions about how to apply this product so you can have a pain-free appointment.

The Preparation Process

Before you apply Totally Numb cream to your skin, you need to ensure that you’ve properly prepared the area in advance. Follow these steps to get the site ready for application:

First, use hot water and soap to wash the area of skin that you want to numb. Make sure that any grime and dirt have been thoroughly removed. Once you have cleaned the skin completely, cover it up with a clean towel. Hold the towel firmly in place for five minutes. This will increase the temperature of your skin and open up the pores so that the anaesthetic cream can penetrate the surface of your skin more rapidly and efficiently.

The Application Process

Once your skin is properly prepared for the cream application, you can move on to the following steps:

Put on a pair of latex gloves so that your hands don’t become numb from the product application.
Apply a layer of cream to the area of skin that you need to desensitise. Gently, rub the cream into the skin with your gloved hands until the cream begins to be absorbed into the surface.

Apply a thicker second layer of the cream onto the skin. Make sure this layer is around 1/8” in thickness.
Once the area of skin is completely covered in two layers of the cream, cover it up with some plastic wrap. This will increase the temperature of the cream and help it to activate more rapidly.

Leave the cream and plastic wrap on your skin for around 50 to 70 minutes. You should notice that your skin begins to desensitise during this time. Once the full period of time has elapsed, your skin should be numb and desensitised to pain.
Remove the plastic wrap then wipe away the cream with a clean cloth.

Attending Your Appointment

Once the cream has been removed from the skin, you are ready for your procedure to begin. It’s essential to wait for the full period of time to elapse in order for the skin to numb fully so that you can experience maximum numbing beneRt from the product. Once activated, the cream will usually ensure that your skin remains numb for around 3 to 5 hours which should be plenty of time for most procedures to be carried out. If you are having an especially long procedure, you should remove only a small portion of the cream at a time while the artist works on that area so that you can prolong the numbing effect for as long as possible.

Can I Apply  Totally Numb Numbing Cream After The Skin Has Been Broken?

No – Totally Numb numbing cream is only designed for use before your procedure. It requires you to apply the product to unbroken skin and to wait for around one hour before your procedure begins in order to allow the active ingredients to take effect. If you want a product that you can apply during your procedure after the skin has been broken, you should use Totally Numb numbing gel which is ideal for this purpose